Tena koutou katoa, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei and greetings,

Welcome to the combined home page for the Long-Term Conditions Network and the Self Management Network. Rather than manage separate websites for both groups, (when many people will be interested in both) we've combined efforts and would love you to join in our discussions, forums and groups of interest.


The GP Show with Dr Manger

Join GP and Medical Educator Dr Sam Manger MBBS BSc FRACGP FASLM as he covers a variety of medical topics, with case studies, guideline reviews, guest interviews and more. This podcast is for medical professionals, including general practitioners, family physicians, specialists, allied health professionals, nurses, registrars/residents, medical students and anybody else who is interested in health, wellness, science and medicine.


3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated Care
13-15 November 2023 | Wesley Conference Centre - Sydney

"Building healthcare system sustainability and resilience” conference will focus on taking an equitable approach to designing and delivering health and care services, working across multiple organisations, health and care agencies, but also policing and housing and other support agencies, and including the NGO and the community sector. Call for Abstracts until Friday 2nd June. Read more here.


Antimicrobial stewardship: It's time for collective action

Tuesday 22 November, 7:00pm-8:00pm

Presented by Dr Sharon Gardiner and Dr Matire Harwood, this webinar will provide a high level review of New Zealand’s collective responsibility around slowing antimicrobial resistance and where primary care fits in. Dr Gardiner and Dr Harwood were on the expert panel that assisted in the writing of the Kotahitanga: Uniting Aotearoa against infectious disease and antimicrobial resistance report (Office of the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor).

Timed to coincide with World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (18-24 November), this webinar is suitable for all health professionals and is free to attend.


Assisting primary care through the winter demand

Find out about the support being put in place to assist primary care during this winter's cold and flu season, including:

  • Monkeypox – it’s here, so how do we manage it?
  • An update on what the winter modelling is telling us
  • Changes being made to help people with mild symptoms to obtain information and advice, in the first instance, from Healthline, Health Navigator NZ, and pharmacies.

The NRHCC panel talks about the cascading level of care, including self-help online and self-care, virtual care via Healthline, face-to-face or virtual care via pharmacies, general practice or urgent care/after-hours.

Watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq_G79HFhIU&t=2645s


Primary Care Update 2022

Welcome to the Goodfellow Unit Primary Care Update, 27 August 2022. Click here to know more.


Register for the Online Certificate in Integrated Care - starting October 2022

The Certificate in Integrated Care has been designed using IFIC’s 9 Pillars of Integrated Care as a module based course of online learning. The accessible, high quality programme is offered through our digital, innovative and dynamic online learning platform. Read more here

The deadline for applying to the course is Thursday, 1st September 2022.


Call for Registration – Activating Pacific Communities through Care, Continuity and Connection

COVID-19 • Family Caring & The Impact of Chronic Health Conditions, Genetics of Diabetes, Gout, Kidney Disease

Join us in talanoa, knowledge sharing, and networking for action.

Register now for the Mo’ui Lelei Fono
Thursday, 23 June 2022
Sorrento in the Park,
670 Manukau Road, Royal Oak, Auckland,
10am – 4pm.


Long-Term Conditions Virtual Forum 11 August 2022

We'd love you to come and join us for an exciting line up of keynote speakers and presentations from teams across the country.

The theme for this year's forum is:

Models of Care across the Motu: Sharing Innovation.

COVID has had a huge impact on long-term condition management with worsening secondary CVD prevention, cancer screening and diabetes check rates to name a few. As we refocus on catching up, we're keen to share stories of innovation, excellence and equity champions to inspire, encourage and share ideas we can apply regionally and locally.

At this event we will:

  • showcase innovative, holistic, and kaupapa care models
  • focus on equity
  • share updates about the Long Term Conditions team’s work
  • consider how the new health system can meet local needs
  • learn about how Health New Zealand and the Māori Health Authority will prioritise long-term conditions.


Where: Online 
When: Thursday 11 August 2022
Time: 8.30 am  3.30pm 
Cost: FREE 

Read more, including registration and Call for Abstract details.


Addressing the leading risk factors for ill health

A review of government policies tackling smoking, poor diet, physical inactivity and harmful alcohol use in England.

Read more here.


Collective impact Series: Healthcare Home & Collaborative Aotearoa

View a series of three webinars, hosted by Healthcare Home about a 'Collective Impact' approach. Hear inspiring stories of how collective impact has delivered social change. View discussions about implementation and the challenges and the benefits for our whānau and communities.

View on the Localities website


Conference on Integrated Care 2021 - view plenary sessions now

With the overarching theme ‘Co-designing for health and wellbeing with individuals and communities’, the conference brought together leaders, researchers, clinicians, managers, citizens, patients and caregivers from around the world who are engaged in the design and delivery of integrated health and social care.

View some of the plenary sessions here.


eHealthTALK NZ is now available

News and interviews on data and digital health in New Zealand. Hosted by eHealthNews.nz editor Rebecca McBeth. Brought to you by HiNZ. Podcasts are free to access. Tune in to the eHEALTH TALK podcast series to keep yourself up-to-date and well informed.


Webinar: Consumer Engagement & Involvement in Primary Care

Understand the importance of engaging with consumers in developing and delivering health care services.

Thursday 29th April | 6:30pm - 8:00pm

Anthony Hill was the keynote speaker and discussed a framework for delivering patient-centred care that includes cultural engagement and involvement. Learn more about partnering with patients and consumers and gathering whanau voice in planning and delivering high quality primary care services.

Download pdf here


70 years of Disease Research video

An interesting video by Helder Nakaya of how diseases were studied in the past 70 years. They have analyzed over 29,000,000 articles and 250GB of data. Computational Systems Biology Laboratory (csbiology.com). Source: PubMed


Consumer webinar: How the HCH model is changing the landscape in how primary care is provided

Did you know there are different options in how you can engage with your doctor and healthcare team?

This webinar covers some of the different methods available and the ways in which is changing the ways in how general practices are providing whānau/patient care.

Practical examples given to improve access and how this will support positive outcomes for your health journey.


Enhancing the Health Care Home Model of Care

The Health Care Home model is designed to deliver an improved and more sustainable primary care service in New Zealand. It enhances a patient and whanau experience, creates a more attractive working environment for the workforce and supports better value for the health dollar. 

Download pdf here

They have also launched two videos that include highlights from members of our Steering Group and clinical leads including Whaea Merle Samuels sharing her wisdom on the consumer voice, Lance Norman sharing the importance of equity for Māori and Dr Kirsty Lennon and Ants Toumoua sharing practical knowledge of implementation in general practice. Watch the videos below. 


Collaboration in digital mental health

The eMental Health International Collaborative (eMHIC) is a place where digital mental health and addiction leaders and associated sector experts come together to leverage digitally-enabled promotion, prevention and treatment to support and improve mental health and addiction outcomes for all populations.

Find out more here.  


Introducing the Mini-ACE

The recommended cognitive impairment screening tool in New Zealand.

Mini-Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination (Mini-ACE or M-ACE) is a brief cognitive screening test. It’s free, easy to use, and takes around five minutes to complete.

The Mini-ACE has replaced the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA©) test as New Zealand’s recommended cognitive screening test.

Online training for the Mini-ACE is available. You can begin using the Mini-ACE at any time once you have completed training.

From 1 September 2020, anyone who conducts cognitive impairment screening should use the Mini-ACE test, unless they have paid for training and certification through the MoCA Institute. The use of the Mini-ACE test is not prescriptive, but it is the recommended tool on NZ HealthPathways from 1 September 2020.

Find out more here


Health Navigator's latest videos

Health Navigator's latest videos discuss some of the ways people can get support to help them stay well when they have long-term conditions and how to get the most out of general practice visit.

Watch the videos from the links below.


Long-term conditions case studies

A series of videoed case studies have been created. From expanding the kaiāwhina role in LTC management, to Pacific Health, lived experience and peer support to spiritual care, there are research findings and tips for everyone. View the videos here.


What is the answer to the challenge of multimorbidity in New Zealand?

The increasing prevalence of multimorbidity, a growing ageing population and lack of success in addressing the negative effect of socioeconomic and cultural determinants of health are major challenges for New Zealand’s primary care sector. Self-management support strategies, personalised care planning, integrated care and shared health records have all been proposed as mechanisms to address these challenge

View the article here


New Zealand Dementia Foundation

New Zealand Dementia Cooperative is now called New Zealand Dementia Foundation. 

Visit the new website here


Courses for Working with CALD Patients

Courses for Working with CALD Patients"Courses for Working with CALD Patients" provide learners with insight and understanding on cultural dimensions, how different cultures respond to health related situations, different health concepts, faith-based practices, and differences in expectations from health systems.

Find out about the courses here


Managing anxiety about loss

David Kessler, the death and grieving expert, recently recommended four strategies for surviving and managing our anxiety about loss, which may be useful to you and your teams.

Find out more here


Responding to the Covid-19 crisis: Professor Don Berwick

Don Berwick, President Emeritus at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, talked about how leaders can take care of themselves, and their teams during this crisis.


COVID-19 and diabetes special report

As this pandemic evolves rapidly, Research Review NZ has produced a special report to summarise what is currently reported in the literature on Diabetes and COVID-19.

Read more NZ_Diabetes_COVID_Special_Research_Review.pdf


Pressure injury prevention education videos

A suite of videos has been created to enable peer-to-peer education on the importance of pressure injury impact, prevention and treatment. The videos were developed by the Burwood Academy of Independent Living and the New Zealand Spinal Trust.

View the videos here


Whakakotahi evaluation reports

The Health Quality & Safety Commission’s primary care quality improvement programme commissioned an evaluation of its Whakakotahi project. The evaluation was carried out by Synergia.

View the reports here.


New SMSToolkit website launched

A much-needed NZ website providing healthcare professionals with information and resources about self-management support (SMS) is now live.

View SMSToolkit website here


Learning and education modules on understanding bias in health care

The learning and education videos below were developed for Wiki Haumaru Tūroro | Patient Safety Week 2019.

View the videos on the Health Navigator website here


Release of Statement on cultural safety and He Ara Hauora Māori: A Pathway to Māori Health Equity

The Medical Council, in partnership with Te Ohu Rata O Aotearoa (Te ORA), have released the Statement on cultural safety and He Ara Hauora Māori: A Pathway to Māori Health Equity.

Find out more here


Long-Term Conditions Conference 2019

A two-day conference was held on 21st and 22nd February 2019 in Wellington focusing on long-term conditions and organised by the Ministry of Health. View the presentations on the Health Navigator website




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A place to share stories, experiences and projects relating to long-term conditions, self management, e-health and quality improvement


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Blog Posts

Can virtual reality tackle phobias?

Posted by Health Navigator NZ on February 22, 2018 at 22:30 0 Comments

New and innovative treatments are being trialled to help treat anxiety. Read more about the use of virtual reality to help people address their phobias. …


A new and powerful relationship with patients

Posted by Adam May on July 4, 2016 at 11:00 1 Comment

The NHS five year forward view talks about harnessing the 'renewable energy represented by patients and communities' and the need to 'engage with communities and…




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