
We all want to improved choice, care and support, quality and timeliness of pathways or models of care that support frail older people as the Health and Wellness system interacts with them.

I attach a 'map' of where such models may fit in.

What will hopefully be helpful is to have a broader range of examples that are in service around New Zealand, or at least in the planning  / review stage. We can all learn a lot from each other.  It's not a competition!

We should also not be afraid of some commentary, hard questions, and request for good evidence wherever possible.

Whether it is an acute demand pathway, or a long term support approach, feel free to post examples and who is the best person to talk to about this. NB no emails / Phone numbers please

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In respiratory we have a wider perspective on what 'frailty' is, and who fits the definition. Often they're younger than who we typically label 'frail'. Easy to forget other factors in frailty in lieu of advanced age.  

Hi Phil

Julie Nitschke mentioned the Long-term Conditions network site to me. With great interest, I read your contribution and study the diagram that you posted. I like to add two more suggestions to consider for developing

1. Recently the Dutch Government approved to finance an experiment where elderly that still live at home and are "care dependent" on the presence of their partner or family member, can stay 2-3 night a week at what they call a " Care Hotel". This is a section of an existing aged care facility that is specially designed for these weekly guest. The aim is to offer structural relief on a weekly basis to the partner and family of the 24 hourly care they usually provide to their family member. The two to three days the partner is in the Care Hotel they can use to re-energise by meeting again with friends or attend clubs they otherwise had difficulty to do so. It is suggested that it will reduce the isolation of the caring partner/family. This is different from respite care but could be seen as structural respite care.

2. In June the University Hospital Amsterdam has opened a special wing of a nearby aged care facility that admits frail elderly. They are not admitted via the ED department but go directly to this unit. You find more details on this innovative projects in our July newsletter.

Jan Weststrate


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