Innovative strategies to improve diabetes outcomes in disadvantaged populations
This review concluded that telehealth, peer support, and CHW interventions can successfully improve clinical outcomes of HbA1ccontrol, self-management behaviour such as increased physical activity, blood glucose monitoring, self-care behaviour, and medication adherence. The authors also stated that for disadvantaged populations, interventions must be compatible with the realities of what is feasible and acceptable to these target populations in their home environments. Although there are promising results for less costly interventions using well-designed telehealth programmes and/or trained and supervised peers or CHWs compared with costs and availability for healthcare professional interventions, more research is needed to improve and sustain diabetes health outcomes when implementing these interventions in disadvantaged populations.
View full review article at Wiley Online Library
Integrated Care Summit - Oct 14, London
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PHARMAC seminars – Level 9, Simpl House, 40 Mercer Street, Wellington, NZ
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