Reducing avoidable admissions and improving admission process for frail older people.

I'm looking to discover a better system for getting feedback from the DHB's and other service providers on a range of issues relating to the Healthy Ageing Strategy.

It follows on from the 'Following Frailty' discussion, and hopefully improves the structure of this big area of work. What is actually being followed through especially in NZ rather than our wish list? It doesn't need to be your own work as we can chase up the Kiwi examples. 

I'll set up a separate discussion for each of the major areas in an attempt to give it a bit more structure. 

This discussion follows action plan 5 and 6
a. Support initiatives to reduce unnecessary acute admissions, for example by extending paramedic roles, improving after-hours clinical support for aged residential care facilities, using intensive home-based support, developing acute geriatric care pathways and applying proven technological solutions.
b. Work with the health sector to streamline acute assessment tools and processes and spread best practice options.

Promote and implement evidence-based models of care to:
– improve the patient journey and experience, including for those with delirium, dementia, and common frailty symptoms
– improve the quality of care for those admitted for falls and fractures, including hip fractures
– enhance early supported discharge planning
– ensure patient experience and cultural responsiveness are reflected in quality measures.

I am particularly interested in examples of what has been initiated in the last 12- 18 months, comments on how it is going (or not), and what you feel makes it better suit those adults who may be disadvantaged, in particular 'frail older adults'.

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