
Self Management Reviews - University of York (UK)

1. Promoting patient-centred care planning consultations

The briefing is available to download here

2. Supporting self-management: Helping people manage long-term conditions

The briefing is available to download here

Who is in control? Clinicians’ view on their role in self-management

a qualitative metasynthesis 

The objective of this qualitative metasynthesis was to explore clinician perceptions of involvement in delivery of self-management approaches.

Delivering self-management in practice appeared to be a complex process for many clinicians. The issue of ‘control’ arose in all studies, both in the qualitative data and authors’ interpretations. Three key themes emerged. These were: 

  1. Who is in control? - represented ways clinicians talked of exercising control over patients and the control they expected patients to have over their condition.
  2. Changing clinician views - reflected what appeared to be an essential transformation of practice experienced by some clinicians in the process of integrating self-management approaches into the practice.
  3. Overcoming challenges to change - A range of challenges associated with shifting towards a self-management approach were reflected in this theme. Tensions appeared to exist around forming partnerships with patients.

Strategies found helpful in the process of change included:

  • dedicating time to practice reciprocity in communication style,
  • peer support and
  • self-reflection.

The authors discuss the implications of these findings.

 To read full text click here

Health literacy review: A guide

A health literate organisation makes health literacy a priority and integral to quality service improvement. It makes health literacy part of all aspects of its service planning, design, delivery, and performance evaluation.

This guide and the health literacy reviews section on the Ministry of Health website have been developed with input from DHBs, to support health organisations undertake a health literacy review. They draw on international best practise for health literate organisations (the 6 Dimensions) tailored for the New Zealand health setting.

 To access this guide click here

Three steps to better health literacy – a guide for health professionals

This booklet take health professionals through a three-step process:

  1. Find out what people know.
  2. Build health literacy skills and knowledge.
  3. Check you were clear (and if not, go back to step 2).

Read and download full text here

(Published by Health Quality & Safety Commission New Zealand)

Evaluation: what to consider

Commonly asked questions about how to approach evaluation of quality improvement in health care - Health Foundation, England

Evaluation is an essential part of quality improvement and when done well it can help solve problems, inform decision making and build knowledge. While evaluation comes in many shapes and sizes, its key purpose is to help us to develop a deeper understanding of how best to improve health care.

The guide is not prescriptive or step-by-step as people and organisations will have very diverse evaluation needs. Instead, it aims to stimulate your thinking and support your plans for an evaluation that delivers what you need.

click here to read this report

Population Health Systems: Going Beyond Integrated Care

King's Fund, England

"This paper encourages the reader to ‘join up the dots’, and see integrated care as part of a broader shift away from fragmentation towards an approach focused on improving population health".

Using examples from organisations and systems in other countries (including Counties Manukau Health) that are making this shift, "... the authors argue that improving population health is not just the responsibility of health and social care services or of public health professionals – it requires coordinated efforts across population health systems".

access this report here

The influence of social networks on self management

a metasynthesis

The authors conclude that policy and interventions relating to long term conditions could be extended towards: raising awareness about the structure and organisation of personal communities; building individual and network capacity for navigating and negotiating relationships and environments; maximising the possibilities for social engagement as a way of increasing the effectiveness of individual and network efforts.

Access paper here

Out of the Crisis

by W. Edwards Deming 

Deming offers a theory of management based on his famous 14 Points for Management. Management's failure to plan for the future, he claims, brings about loss of market, which brings about loss of jobs. Management must be judged not only by the quarterly dividend, but by innovative plans to stay in business, protect investment, ensure future dividends, and provide more jobs through improved product and service. In simple, direct language, he explains the principles of management transformation and how to apply them.

  • Publisher: The MIT Press; Reprint edition (August 11, 2000)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0262541157
  • ISBN-13: 978-0262541152

The New Economics for Industry, Government, Education

by W. Edwards Deming

In this book W. Edwards Deming details the system of transformation that underlies the 14 Points for Management presented in Out of the Crisis. The system of profound knowledge, as it is called, consists of four parts: appreciation for a system, knowledge about variation, theory of knowledge, and psychology. Describing prevailing management style as a prison, Deming shows how a style based on cooperation rather than competition can help people develop joy in work and learning at the same time that it brings about long-term success in the market. Indicative of Deming's philosophy is his advice to abolish performance reviews on the job and grades in school.

  • Publisher: The MIT Press; 2nd edition
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0262541165
  • ISBN-13: 978-0262541169

The Improvement Guide - A Practical Approach to Enhancing Organizational Performance

by Gerald J. LangleyRonald MoenKevin M. NolanThomas W. NolanClifford L. NormanLloyd P. Provost

The Improvement Guide, offers an integrated approach to learning and improvement, one that is designed to deliver quick and substantial results. Using straightforward stories to illustrate core ideas, the expert authors introduce a flexible model for improving quality and productivity in diverse settings. They draw from research conducted in a variety of areas—manufacturing, healthcare, government, and schools—to present a practical tool kit of ideas, examples, and applications.

  • Publisher: Jossey-Bass; 2 edition (April 20, 2009)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0470192410
  • ISBN-13: 978-0470192412

Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions

Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions: Self-Management of Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Depression, Asthma, Bronchitis, Emphysema and Other Physical and Mental Health Conditions 

by Kate Lorig DrPHHalsted Holman MDDavid Sobel MD MPHDiana Laurent MPHVirginia González MPHMarion Minor PT PhD 

This latest edition has been completely redesigned for easy reading and fully updated with the latest research and information on current practice, medication, legal matters, and specific conditions, this new edition of a vital resource is full of tips, suggestions, and strategies to deal with chronic illness and symptoms, such as fatigue, pain, shortness of breath, disability, and depression. It encourages readers to develop individual approaches to setting goals, making decisions, and finding resources and support so that they are able to do the things they want and need. This book is a recommended reading as part of the Stanford SME programme

  • Publisher: Bull Publishing Company; Fourth Edition,
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 193350336X
  • ISBN-13: 978-1933503363

Motivational Interviewing in Health Care

Helping Patients Change Behaviour

by Stephen Rollnick , William R. MillerChristopher C. Butler 

Much of health care today involves helping patients manage conditions whose outcomes can be greatly influenced by lifestyle or behaviour change. Written specifically for health care professionals, this concise book presents powerful tools to enhance communication with patients and guide them in making choices to improve their health, from weight loss, exercise, and smoking cessation, to medication adherence and safer sex practices.Engaging dialogues and vignettes bring to life the core skills of motivational interviewing (MI) and show how to incorporate this brief evidence-based approach into any health care setting. Appendices include MI training resources and publications on specific medical conditions.

  • Publisher: The Guilford Press
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1593856121  
  • ISBN-13: 978-1593856120 


A proven way to boost morale and improve results 

by Stephen C. Lundin , Harry Paul , John Christensen , Ken Blanchard (Foreword)

Fish is a great little book, quick and easy to read. It shows you how changing your attitude lets you enjoy your work and your life. 

  • Publisher: Hyperion; 1 edition (March 8, 2000)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0786866020
  • ISBN-13: 978-0786866021

Who Moved My Cheese?

An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life 

By Spencer Johnson (Author), Kenneth Blanchard (Foreword)

This enlightening and amusing story illustrates the vital importance of being able to deal with unexpected change. The lessons it teaches can benefit literally anyone, young or old, rich or poor, looking for less stressful life.

  • Publisher: G. P. Putman (1998)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0399144463
  • ISBN-13: 978-0399144462

Why is sustaining improvement so important – and so difficult?

This IHI white paper describes what frontline clinical managers can do to sustain improvement:

"This white paper presents a framework that health care organizations can use to sustain improvements in the safety, effectiveness, and efficiency of patient care. The key to sustaining improvement is to focus on the daily work of frontline managers, supported by a high-performance management system that prescribes standard tasks and responsibilities for managers at all levels of the organization"...

View article introduction on IHI website. Or view full article here

Better care in my hands: A review of how people are involved in their care. Care Quality Commission May 2016

This report identifies common problems in health and social care services, which can create a ‘vicious circle’ of poor involvement and which become more significant when people need to use different services or use them for long periods of time. These include: failing to regularly assess and monitor people’s capacity to make decisions about their care and provide advocacy support; limited understanding, recording and monitoring of people’s wishes and preferences ; inadequate family and carer involvement; insufficient information and explanation of care and support options.

Visit the CQC Website, Download the original article.

A new and powerful relationship with patients

The NHS five year forward view talks about harnessing the 'renewable energy represented by patients and communities' and the need to 'engage with communities and citizens in new ways, involving them directly in decisions about the future of health and care services'. We know that one of the founding principles underpinning the NHS at its best is that it’s ‘of the people, by the people and for the people’.

Now, more than ever, this is becoming true – not because the Forward View says it but because it’s demanded by patients, communities and the overall population the NHS serves. Simon Stevens recognised this changing relationship when he talked about the NHS as a social movement. This can’t be controlled or mandated - it’s happening and it should be embraced and celebrated as a force for good and renewal.

In a binary world, the access to information and knowledge by patients eager to share in the decision-making process regarding their care is restricted to the medical profession. This colludes with the ability for the powerful experts to remain powerful. But in a digital world, information and knowledge is freely accessible to everyone – which challenges the traditional notion of leadership and power. Everyone becomes a leader and everyone becomes powerful. This is a fundamental challenge to the old paradigm and enables patients to truly embrace the opportunity to become partners and share in the decision-making that affects their care.

This is easier said than done. But the choice is not whether, but when, health care leaders will ride this wave. Failing to do so will see them swamped.

With the aim of supporting new and positive innovations in this space, the team at The King’s Fund has been nurturing this changing patient relationship for the past 12 months by supporting a number of projects where patients have worked in 'collaborative pairs' with health professionals. This has given us insight into the power when patients and healthcare professionals collaborate in determining individual care pathways. Today we publish a new guide to building collaborative relationships with patients based on the lessons from this work.

Developing this way of working on a wider scale requires support and a change of attitude. The power to determine care pathways has to be a shared decision. This requires a fundamental shift in power dynamics, which will require support to unlearn generations of behaviour.

One way of providing this support is seeing patients as partners recognising that the pathways for development of patient and community-based leaders is historically under resourced and undervalued in comparison to the investment in leadership for clinicians and managers. The King's Fund is therefore keen to work specifically with patient leaders to support their practice as leadership partners.

Central to this is a move away from a ‘them and us’ way of relating to a much more collaborative approach, and that this will need a shift from all of us in the way that we think about our leadership roles and the validity of the different perspectives and expertise that we each hold. Collaboration is not about compromise – it brings the best from everyone to find new and potentially exciting innovations.

With a view to tackling this, The King's Fund runs a programme on leading collaboratively with patients and communities, and is also looking to build up a national network of previous attendees that will put a name to this new relational dynamic and support both patient and health care leaders to move into a different role where leadership is shared.

To reinforce the Fund's commitment to this agenda, we are also announcing the appointment of Mark Doughty, co-founder of the Centre for Patient Leadership, as a member of our staff. By appointing Mark, we aim to help address this and to embed a collaborative approach to working with patients across our work.

Working in partnership with patients has and will continue to be a journey for the Fund and we are learning many lessons along the way. We also know that there are many other people and organisations who are doing great work and who have championed this agenda over the years. By making a new commitment to working in this way, we hope to encourage others to do the same. This is why we are calling on every NHS organisation to commit to working with patients as partners and ensure that their perspectives are embedded at the heart of everything the NHS does.

See original article at The King's Fund website

Read The King's Fund guide to patients as partners – building collaborative relationships with patients

A Practical Guide to Self Management Support

This is an excellent, very readable guide to implementing self management support.

A practical guide to Self Management Support

10 New Rules to Accelerate Healthcare Redesign

​Loehrer S, Feeley D, Berwick D. 10 new rules to accelerate healthcare redesign. Healthcare Executive. 2015 Nov;30(6):66-69.

"This article describes ten "new rules" that were developed and are being tested by members of the IHI Leadership Alliance as a set of guiding principles to help accelerate their progress toward delivering on the full promise of the Triple Aim. The authors also provide brief case examples demonstrating how Alliance member organizations are enacting some of these rules." Download article on IHI website. (free log in required) 

New animated video about stroke

A group of young doctors from the UK have set up a new charity called Health Sketches and started creating animated explanations about common health conditions. 

Their first one explains what a stroke is and has wide appeal to all ages and cultural groups. Have a look for yourself. 

For additional videos and patient information about stroke, visit the stroke section, on Health Navigator NZ.

Cochrane Review - Care Planning

Personalised care planning for adults with chronic or long-term health conditions

For any teams wondering about the value of care planning, a review published in March 2015 by the Cochrane Collaboration assessing the evidence for personalised care planning is worth reading. The review includes 19 trials published before July 2013 (involving 10,856 patients) covering a range of conditions such as diabetes, mental health problems, asthma, heart failure and kidney disease.

  • In terms of physical symptoms, improvements were seen in blood glucose levels, lower blood pressure in patients with diabetes, and better control of asthma.
  • For psychological health, there was evidence of reduced symptoms of depression and improved confidence and skills to manage their own health. 
  • Overall, there was no evidence of harm. 

The process worked best when "it included preparation, record-sharing, care co-ordination and review, involved more intensive support from health professionals and was integrated into routine care."

The quality of evidence was only moderate, meaning further research might change these findings. 

The overall conclusion is that "personalised care planning is a promising approach that offers the potential to provide effective help to patients leading to better health outcomes. More research is needed to work out which aspects are most effective for specific patient groups."  


  1. Coulter A, Entwistle VA, Eccles A, Ryan S, Shepperd S, Perera R. Personalised care planning for adults with chronic or long-term health conditions. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2015,3:CD010523.

Doctors' checklist could help decrease length of COPD patients' hospital stay

Recent study in Canadian Respiratory Journal  by Dr. Samir Gupta, looked at the use of a checklist of steps called order sets for patients with worsening chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Results showed order set use led to patients spending less time in hospital. 

Order sets help doctors and other clinicians choose the most appropriate care for a patient and can help improve care across several diseases. 

“Using order sets to manage worsening COPD can lead to better medical care and better results for patients,” said Dr. Gupta, a respirologist at St. Michael’s Hospital. “By providing doctors with the best, evidence-based information at the point in time when they are deciding on medications and tests for their patients, we can improve doctors’ adherence to best practices.”

As part of the study, physicians and staff were encouraged to use an order set developed by a team from the respirology and internal medicine wards at St. Michael’s for all patients admitted with worsening COPD. The order set provided comprehensive admission instructions.

Patients’ length of stay in hospital dropped by about two-and-a-half days when the order set was used.

“This is a dramatic drop, and points to one of the key, positive findings in our research,” said Dr. Gupta. “The faster we can get patients home and breathing easier, the better for our patients and for our health-care system.” Read more at: St Michael's, our stories.

  1. A Kitchlu, T Abdelshaheed, E Tullis, S Gupta. Gaps in the inpatient management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation and impact of an evidence-based order setCanadian Respiratory Journal, 2015

E-learning opportunities - Learn on line

There are a number of web based learning opportunities available . Listed below are a range of structured e-learning programmes, selected, based on the quality of their content and their focus on either self management support or quality improvement.

All of these programmes are free to access.

In order to access the programmes on the Ministry of Health's 'learnonline' site, you must first register with your username and password. Registration is free. Log into learnonline here

Some programmes have been approved by the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners for Continuing Medical Education MOPS points.  


Heart Foundation programmes

Cardiovascular risk assessment and management – Improve Heart Health

Improve Heart Health is a course to support health professionals successfully design and deliver CV risk assessment and management services. The course will also assist you to use the Heart Foundation’s ‘Taking Control’ self-management support care plan. The content of this eCourse related to self-management support is transferable and can be applied when supporting individuals and families/whānau to manage a wide range of conditions.

Heart Failure Support

Completing this heart failure support will help you to build a foundation of knowledge and practical skills that will enable you to more confidently and effectively support people with chronic heart failure and their families/whānau. The course will also assist you to use the Heart Foundation’s ‘Staying well with heart failure’ self-management support care plan. Importantly, the content of this eCourse related to self-management support is transferable and can be applied when supporting individuals and families/whānau to manage a wide range of conditions.


 Brief Intervention – risky lifestyle behaviors

Smoking Cessation

In this smoking cessation course for health practitioners, including GPs, Nurses, Midwives, Oral Health Professionals, Mental Health professionals and Pharmacists, you’ll get to see and experience the benefits of using the revised ABC pathway with each of your patients or clients. Non-clincial or non-registered staff may also complete the assessment, however they may not be eligible to become a quit card provider. 

read more


This ABC alcohol course for health practitioners, comprising two modules and one case study. The first part  looks at the harm caused by alcohol in NZ, and demonstrates how screening and brief interventions improve patient outcomes.

The next part covers the principles of ABC Alcohol:

  • Asking all patients about their alcohol use.
  • Briefly advising patients who are drinking above recommended guidelines.
  • Counselling patients to enhance their motivation to change.

The third part shows an example of how ABC Alcohol has been implemented, and the tools used to support it.

read more

Weight Management

This weight management course has been developed for healthcare professionals to give an overview of the New Zealand Clinical Weight Management Guidelines and how to engage with patients about their weight and the importance of achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

read more

Quality Improvement


This course introduces the LEAN methodology and a number of associated tools to implement the methodology in your work environment. LEAN Thinking is a methodology that will help you improve quality of care, increase efficiency of processes, and identify and eliminate waste. LEAN Thinking evolved in the manufacturing industry but is now routinely applied in the health sector.

read more

How to engage men in self-management support
To view this new report, visit the Men's Health Forum website. 

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